The purpose of the BC-ABA Student Alliance is to increase student membership within BC-ABA and to meet with students.

The purpose of the BC-ABA Student Alliance is to increase student membership within BC-ABA and to meet with students studying behaviour analysis within British Columbia. By providing a platform to students, the Student Alliance can liaison communication between students and the BC-ABA Board and aid with the organization of student-led behaviour analytic events that are beneficial to students.

In British Columbia, students studying behaviour analysis are able to attend a variety of schools either locally or through distance education to obtain different levels of education and certification (e.g., BCaBA, BCBA). Although this is fantastic, this can create a disconnect between students in our community as they are not able to connect with peers, access educators or resources as easily unless they attend a university full time. The BC-ABA-SA is mandated to help connect the students in our community so that they have greater access to resources, peers and educators and remain motivated to thrive in this field.



The BC-ABA-SA counsel meets 10 times within a calendar year to plan events and activities, and consists of six representatives:

  • Two student representatives from BC-ABA
  • Three student representatives post-secondary ABA programs within BC (e.g., Capilano, Douglas, UBC, distance education programs) who are voted in each year.
  • A rotating BC-ABA board member also attends the meetings to advise the counsel when necessary

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