2025-2027 ELECTIONS
Our current election round is closed! We will be sharing information about our 2026-2028 Elections this coming summer.
If you would like more information, please email elections@bc-aba.org.
Nominations Open October 15th 2024
Secretary (one position)
There is one Secretary on the Board, elected for a 2-year term. They attend monthly Board meetings, keep written records, create meeting agendas, respond to member emails, manage online files, and assist in the annual Student Research Grant process. Requirements include: (a) current BC-ABA membership; (b) familiarity with word processing and other basic computer platforms; (c) strong organizational, time-management and written/oral communication skills; and (d) ability to attend monthly online Board meetings.
Student Representative (one position)
The Student Representative acts as a liaison between student members of BC-ABA and the BC-ABA Board and organizes social events and workshops for students on behalf of the Student Alliance. Requirements include current BC-ABA membership; enrolment in a behaviour analytic program of study for at least 1 year of the 2-year term; ability to attend monthly online Board meetings; and ability to plan and lead monthly Student Alliance meetings. On average, the role of Student Representative requires about 10 hours per month, except for August and December when less time is required.
MAL Communications (one position)
There are two members-at-large (MALs) for Communications on the Board, elected in alternating years for a 2-year term. The successful candidate will communicate regularly with members via the BC-ABA website, email, and social media. They design and distribute a monthly newsletter and work with the webmaster to keep the website up-to-date and add resources for members. Requirements include current BC-ABA membership; excellent organizational and time management skills; ability to work with social media and other platforms; and ability to attend monthly online Board meetings. On average, the role of MAL Communications requires between 10-15 hours per month, with less time required between April and September annually.
MAL Conference (one position)
There are two members-at-large (MALs) for Conference on the Board, elected in alternating years for a 2-year term. The successful candidate will co-chair the Conference Committee to plan the annual BC-ABA conference. This requires booking a venue, arranging for speakers, adjudicating paper submission, developing the conference program, arranging for food, and managing registration. The two Conference MALs also arrange one or more additional events per year and work with community partners to co-sponsor events that are eligible for CEUs. Requirements include current BC-ABA membership; excellent organizational and time management skills; ability to plan and lead monthly conference committee meetings; and ability to attend monthly online Board meetings. On an annual basis, the role of MAL Conference requires about 10 hours per month from April-August and 20-30 hours per month during the months of conference planning, which extends from September of one year to March of the next.
MAL Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) (one position)
There are two members-at-large (MALs) for DEI on the Board, elected in alternating years for a 2-year term. Together with the DEI committee, they promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within BC-ABA and our larger field. They coordinate community outreach, seek input from membership, advocate for equitable decision-making within BC-ABA, and organize DEI-specific training opportunities for members. They also coordinate a monthly DEI Committee meeting. Requirements include (a) current BC-ABA membership; (b) a commitment to and interest in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion; and (c) ability to attend monthly online Board meetings. On average, the role of MAL DEI requires about 10 hours per month throughout the year.